Signs for when to upgrade to EHS software

Pattern identification is the EHS professional’s bread and butter when it comes to finding and making process improvements. But knowing when to upgrade your approach isn’t always easy. Slow down and take some time to review your team’s performance. If you recognize any of these issues, it might be time to invest in a software solution.

Seeing increased incident rates

Increasing incident rates could be a sign that your EHS team isn’t effectively correcting root causes. You also way to pay attention to near misses. While your incident rate might not be a problem, an increase in near misses means there’s an underlying problem you need to solve.

When you upgrade to incident management software, it becomes a lot easier to find opportunities for improvement. That’s because you have full visibility over all the work your team is doing. Switching to software allows you to track progress and learn faster from the data you have available.

Missing critical deadlines

In health and safety, missing critical deadlines is a major red flag that you need to address. If this happens, it means that there’s a gap in your process somewhere.

Switching to a digital compliance tracking system is one of the best ways to fill a gap because it forces users to follow a specific workflow. You can change software settings to:

  • Send out notifications for upcoming deadlines
  • Make notes or attachments mandatory
  • Set and adjust deadlines as needed

If you’re having trouble meeting deadlines, then these capabilities should help you get back on track.

Having communication issues

One of the main challenges with manual EHS management is that it depends on high-quality communication. And many teams lack the level of communication needed to stay on top of compliance in a stress-free way. You may want to upgrade to software when your processes involve too much back and forth of critical information.

EHS software allows your team to work collaboratively on projects and tasks without having to constantly ask for information or help. Instead, you can enter important notes, assign action items, and track progress from a central system. This should alleviate communication issues and make for more efficient task management moving forward.

Struggling to stay organized

Once you get used to a certain way of doing things, it can be hard to recognize the inefficiencies in your processes. That’s why new managers tend to make changes when they first come into a department. When was the last time you reflected on your team’s processes and looked for ways to improve?

If you’re struggling to keep all your compliance data organized and accessible, then you might need to consider an upgrade. Using EHS software, instead of physical files, to store and manage data eliminates the hassle of searching for important documents. Instead, everything’s in one place so you can view it whenever you need it.

Frontline EHS management solutions

At Frontline, we’ve been developing best in class EHS management solutions for more than 30 years. Our Frontline EHS software platform can help you streamline your processes and go beyond compliance to higher levels of operational performance.

If you’re interested in learning more about Frontline EHS, watch some of our short product videos, check out our pricing calculator, or book a demo with our sales team.